SF Genie # 87

1 Britney Spears’ Boojums - `The Kievan Rus’ Is An Old Flame` (3-24)

2 Robert Heinlein’s Toss - `New York Knucked` (24-56)

3 Pop Musk - `Pillits Farmer Suit Tea Girls` (56-94)

4 Gaily Brash Marveling Like Torch At The Thickness Of His Postman - `Vladimir Putin Née Palm TOS` (94-131)

5 Billy Dz and the Haematoma  - `God of Animals` (131-143)

6 Bunny Church’s Cong’ - `Simurgh Tree` (143-172)

7 Arthur C. Clarke’s I’n’t A Nail - `Cough Feed Stirrups` (172- 190)

8 Mayonnaise Bas Reliefs - `Cough Eid` (191-200)

9 Boldly Trekking Over To See Mr O’ Reilly With This Garden Gnome, Dear - `Military Heads`  (200-222)

10 SF To Throw Eggs At - `Cream Rises`  (222-242)