SF Genie # 86

1 Britney Spears @ Thingies - `Watch Jocasta’s On the Floor` (3-33)

2 Robert Heinlein’s Punk Pursuits - `A New Fon Horde` (33-65)

3 Pop Musk - `Bumbing the Brains with Homosexuality’s Biological Weapons` (66-81)

4 Gaily Brash Explaining To A Gorilla At Paris’ Zoo The Creamy Thickness of  Mousse Gel - `Clitorised` (81-98)

5 Billy Fubble And His Telescope - `Ear Slum Cavers’ Slay Virus` (98-123)

6 Bunny Church’s Endearing Habit - `The Front` (123-146)

7 Arthur C. Clarke’s Stolen Cavities - `Bloke 1, 2, 3, Choppers, and Boners` (146-173)

8 Ass Tick Alters - `The Last Supper Man` (173-190)

9 Boldly Going, Going, Gone - `The Geas Chambers Butt Eye M'Man`  (190-205)

10 SF To Throw Eggs At - `Boy Song Gays`  (205-239)