SF Genie # 84

1 Britney Spears E’s - `Spud Her` (2-9)

2 Robert Heinlein’s Nine Big Ruin - `The Unmarried Mother’s Espied Her Penis` (9-19)

3 Pop Musk - `Spays: These Are The Voyages of the Star Sheep’s Eyes` (19-33)

4 Gaily Brash Sewing His Socks Without A Thimble Wincing at Material Blood Loss - `Tetley Spider Bags` (33-51)

5 Billy Dinnit - `People Is A Time Machine` (51-59)

6 Bunny Church Hopfully Showing His Teeth To Confuse Parishioners into Believing He’s A Dog - `God Before Abraham` (59-74)

7 Arthur C. Clarke’s Anal Scent - `Moloch Cock: TOS Tale` (75-117)

8  Secrets of the Aztec Empire’s Argos Catalogue - `Az Gép Nő` (117-128)

9 Baldy Going As A Toffee Apple with Treacle on his Head and A Clothes Prop Up - `Count Zeppelins`  (129-146)

10 SF To Throw Eggs At - `Rumpled Pimp Skin`  (146-157)