SF Genie # 83

1 Britney Spears Flat End - `Fit To Wake the Dead` (3-6)

2 Robert Heinlein’s Mole D’Universe - ‘Women are The Djinn Who'll Never Breed` (6-12)

3 Pop Musk - `Oblast Muscovite’s Stance at the Kremlin` (13-25)

4 Gaily Brash Baulking At Licking the Stamp in the Post Office  Queue - `The Number of a Man` (26-42)

5 Billy Fin It - `The Holly Bolly Would Caste System` (43-48)

6 Bunny Church’s Rabbit’s Foot Stuck in Bernice’s Hole - ‘Learning EATO from NATO and SEATO` (49-65)

7 Arthur C. Clarke’s  Conker’s A Forty-Niner - ‘Socio-Economics in Robert A. Heinlein’s short story ‘ ” - All You Zombies - “ ’’ (65-71)

8  Secrets of the Aztec Umpire - ‘Rodit Timeline: Diamond Time’ (71-79)

9 Taken Badly Before Going On - ‘Alienists’ (71-91)

10 SF To Throw Eggs At - ‘Tarantula Ranch’  (91-113)