SF Genie # 75

1 Britney Spears` But Prefers Bananas - `Eastern Schengen Zone` (2-17)

2 Rupút A. Tolklein - ` Science Fiction with Women as Aliens ` (17-25)

3 Pop Musk  - ` The Cock's Out Of The Battle And The Djinn Are Free` (25-29)

4 Looking At The Spoons With Sarah Gellar To See If He Can Get Her To Bend With Gaily Brash - `Property Thieves, Aliens, and Christianity` (29-34)

5 Billy Vinnit, Because Vinning It Is What He Does - ` Vlad Putin's Nuke Reign Stake’ (34-40)

6 Hoppit off Hoppiton and Bernice’s Stolen Wedding Ring - ‘Dracula Cassette Stripper` (40-50)

7 Arthur C. Clarke`s Found Something In His Trouser Turn Ups - ` Answer to Job` (50-53)

8 Aztec Condoms - `Jesus' Hoodoo` (53-60)

9 Going On Before With A Cross Kirk - `The Tool` (60-70)

10 SF To Throw Eggs At - `Jesus Spayed` (70-82)