SF Genie # 73

1 Britney Spears Still Slugging It Out -  ‘If You Seek Amy – La la la la – Night Rate’  (2-9)

2 Bobbit Heinlein `Robert A. Heinlein's slugs and Cloacan dagger AIDS` (9-18)

3 Pop Musk  - `Killing The Game` (18-28)

4 Gaily Brash Caught In An Indecisive Moment Trying To Feel His Way Into Drying The Pots - `Stars Of Babylon` (28-36)

5 Billy’s Got A Bun …  - `Voice and Unvoiced In English Language Teaching` (36-41)

6 Bunny Church Looking After Some Cold Bums In The Winter - `They’re Rearing AIDS` (41-46)

7 Arthur C. Clarke`s Fishead Soup - `The Empire Stalks Backs` (46-52)

8 Aztec’s ‘Rear Of The Year’ Award - `Flogging Some Dead Oars` (52-56)

9 No One’s Going Before Me -`Star Trek: Shenzhou` (56-62)

10 SF To Throw Eggs At – ‘George Orwell’s Critique of Artes Liberales’ (62-72)