SF Genie # 65

1 In The Noze With Britney Spears - `The Perfume Affair` (2-41)

2 RAH RAH`s Skirt - `Jerry Wasn`t A Man` (41-50)

3 Dooley Peepers - `Human Species Eaten By Alien Thinking Donald Trump Is A Good Looking Woman` (50-68)

4 Finding The Soap Dish With Gaily Brash - `Satan Is A Nasty Penis Snake Crushed By The Foot Of The Virgin Mary` (68-79)

5 Billy Vinnit II  - `The Veil In The West` (79-89)

6 Hot Cross Bun At Easter, With Bunny and `Bun`s In The Oven` Bernice - `Rotten Johnnies In Liebesverzicht` (90-108)

7 AC/DC Clarke`s Spayed Oddity - `Christianity Is Evil, Not Pornography` (108-119)

8 Teotihuacano Meccano - `Christianity`s Cross With Jesus` (119-131)

9 Star Trek, `Oi Baldly!` - `Christians, Luddites, Levellers, and Communists Aboard The Starship Enterprise` (131-152)

10 SF To Throw Eggs At - `Traditional British and American Horror of Horrors` (152-178)