SF Genie # 52

1 Britney Spears Stopping Up And Refusing To Retire - `Jigsaw Piece Of Me` (2-20)

2 RAH RAH`s Skirt - `Lucky`s Reich` (21-41)

3 Daley Grynde`s Treadmill - `Bars, Clubs And Secrets` (41-55)

4 Wears My Shorts With Gaily Brash - `Sterilise` (55-66)

5 Billy Vinnit`s God - `Jesus Died For Your Sins` (66-78)

6 Insider Church With Bernice`s `Bunny` - `Opinion Hated Women` (78-96)

7 A. C. Clarke`s Diaphanous World Of See Thru Nighties - `Mr Smoketoomuch` (96-113)

8 Toltec Easter Bonnets And Hub Caps With Earache Vin Doughnut - `Parasitoid Criticism` (113-127)

Star Trek, Rambling On With A Screwdriver And An Egg Cup - `Moral Grounds Zero` (127-140)

10 Lost Spice Tin - `There`s Enough Man` (140-149)