SF Genie # 50

1 Britney Spears Rigid - `Raising Spears` (3-50)

2 Some More From The Parasitoid Devourer - `The Role Of The Good Critic` (50-58)

3 Dully Ground - `The Cup and the Spear, the Phone and the Gun` (58-72)

4 Tribbles Are Just As Good As Hamsters With Gaily Brash - `Biunity` (72-81)

5 Flying Pigs With Billy Vinnit - `What Is Feminism?` (82-88)

6 Some Church Tail With Bunny And Bernice - `Sunderer`s Day` (88-110)

7 Arthur C. Clarke`s Mysterious Trousers `Magicians Or Teachers` (110-121)

8 Solid Gold Mayan Automobiles Without Wheels Built As Permanent Submarines By Cargo Cults In South Sea Islands With Earache Vin Doughnut `Human Economics` (121-150)

9 Star Trek, Rambling On Interminably With The Logic Of A Pointy Eared Alien - `A New Fon Horde` (150-172)

10 Lost Tin Space, Homeless - `The Magic Of Technology` (172-180)