SF Genie # 40

1 Britney Spears` Top Pulled Up - `The Devourer` (2-14)

2 Burp Heinlein - `Three Times Gay` (14-54)

3 Daley Grynde With Some Good Nudes - `The Earth Will Never Be Born` (54-72)

4 Satellite Dished With Gaily Brash - `Faminism` (72-89)

5 Burka Rogers In The Medieval Period - ` Onano` (89-110)

6 Bunny Tears Upstairs And Downstairs - `Christianity`s Islam` (110-116)

7 The Thoats Of Bart Zoompson - `An Eyeless, Brainless Creature That Can`t Breed` (116-150)

8 Been Soup, Be Super - `Serve And Return` (150-161)

9 Star Trek, Blithely Going On Through The Red Lights Where Nowan Hadn`t Been Before - `Ass Skewered` (161-167)

10 Lost In Space Bar  - `Make Do With A Spider` (167-191)