SF Genie # 27

1 Britney Spears` Doing Some More Upper Body Work, Butt Still ...` - `The Jesus` Spy` (2-30)

2 Little Bob Heinlein Sat In The Corner - `Oona` (30-53)

3 Bulbous Bellies And Some Fresh Spots - `That Deaf Dumb And Blind Plague Sure Is A Mean Pig`s Balls` (53-62)

4 And The Dish Snorting Coke From The Spoons - `Achilles Heel` (62-68)

5 Down The Turkish Tubes With Midnight Express - `Christian Horror` (69-78)

6 Rabbit`s Bitch `Church Fathers` (78-95)

7 Orange And Wearing Alienating Shorts In Pop Up Toasters Dying For A Burnt Offering - `The Human Spay Ships Got No Balls` (95-116)

8 Buff Fiction, If It Buffs Buff It - `Human Sacrificers` (117-135)

9 Star Trek, Wearing Platform Shoes That No One Had Wanted Before - `Satanists Eat Planets` (135-144)

10 Lost In Space, `Where`s The Bog?` - `Hey Presto` (144-180)